Sunday, April 19, 2009

Annual Dinner of Mutiara Johan 1996

These are images from my old analog video cam recording which I have digitized for the purposes of sharing among friends. Unfortunately the quality of these images isn’t good. I hope friends would enjoy viewing them. Oh.. These are images of an annual dinner of Mutiara Johan Group held at Sri Melayu, Jalan Conlay in 1996. This is Mr. Leow Yuen Leong, the boss of Mutiara Johan. Lawyer Sam Oon, Elgin Liew (Bescorp Founder), Teoh (Hong Leong Bank now with Tasek Cement), Siti Salmiah (sorry only showing your back). Shirene, Miss Tan & gang. Alice & Miss Tok. The late Michael Foo, we miss you and we will remember you, Michael. The handsome Haji Uzir, I know him for a long time since 1986. AS Lee chatting with Charanjeet Singh. Yap Khum Sang (the great plumber) & Simon Ngu (Arhictect friend from Kuching). Roger Foo with wife, Charanjeet Singh, & Lee Siew Wah. The kid with the pony tail is my elderst son Shou Yi. Ong Shi Fu & Adam de QS.

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