Tuesday, July 13, 2010

My Secondary School - Pictures That Bring Me Memories

I always have an urge to enter the school whenever I pass by but never had the opportunity to do it. This urge has been there for 35 years ever since I left this school in 1975. That is a long long time.

I have befriended a Badlishian and a senior by the name of Mohd Faizul Abdullah formerly known as Puspa Kumar. He was a good athlete & was also the Deputy Head Prefect of the School in 1971.
In 2009 he visited the school and took some pictures of the school. He was kind enough to share his photographs for this posting. Thanks again to Puspa for his kind contribution.

The entrance of the school is too elaborate a simple entrance just like the old days would be nice and majestic by itself. It did not have to add all these gantries etc etc….. it looks bulky.

The rear of the school hall “Dewan Samsuddin” is where we would assemble and take group picture of the class.
The next picture is the science laboratory where we would carry out science experiments. We will always remember Mr. P.S. Rou in this part of the school it was like home for him. The tennis court next to the lab make it even more home for him. Unfortunately the court is no more there.

This is the inside of the hall where we sat for our examinations such as L.C.E and M.C.E. We watch the live telecast of the world heavyweight champion between Muhammad Ali and Joe Bugner in black & white. The date was 30 June 1975.

Outside the hall where we would practice our Tae Kwan Do during raining day. It was a good shelter, a good corridor and a memorable one.

Some of our teachers stayed at this quarter, my English Teacher Mr Victor Thambiah is one of them. I remember his Mini Cooper something like the yellow car (Kelisa) in the picture. The other teacher was the late Encik Ghafur whom like to wear a thick smell of perfume.
This is the spot we spent most of the last 2 years in this school. On the right was the Form 4’s row and left is the Form 5’s row. The court yard is another place we would practice our Tae Kwon Do.

This 6 steps stair was a stair which I was quite reluctant to use it because it leads you to a dentist. Now there is no dental care and the place has become a part of a canteen.

Next to the Teachers’ Room there is this AVA room which is still in existence.

Sekolah Menengah Sultan Badlishah
Jalan Lunas
Kelang Lama
Kulim, Kedah
GPS : 5.395,100.561835


  1. Hi Tai Lim,

    Thank you for your kind words in mentioning my name.

    A small correction is required. I was the Deputy Head Prefect in 1971. The Head Prefect was Venugopal. Have no contact with him. It would be very nice to meet up with our old buddies again.

  2. Puspa - Sorry for the error, Have corrected & thank again for the photo.
