Thursday, April 18, 2013

Riding with new friends to the Land of Ampang

The person who took us up here is Jer Ping and together are friends whom we met a day before in a mapping discussion. I enjoyed the route going through new places with interesting discoveries. Well done Jer Ping.
I left my house at 6.45am everything was still in the dark.
Yut Kee Restaurant was only about to open when I reached there.
Jer Ping, Roberto & Dhruv having a good breakfast before we start to ride.
We were ready and Ampang here we come.....
Sri Ganesar Temple @ Kg Pandan - started in 1951 but this structure was only built in 1955 and was the first in the area. 
Our next destination was to invade old Ampang Town, we were at the crowded market and had a thirst quencher from one of the stalls nothing like a cold glass of coconut water with its fresh kernel and it was so refreshing.
A brief stop at the Nine Emperor Gods Temple of Ampang and I bet it was a good visit for our oversea friends.
Roberto has rode to Ampang several times via different routes and he brought us to this trail but unfortunately it was not passable and we had to to turn back and continue our ride for the last climb.
That was it the peak of our ride for the day good climb and an easy roll back into Ampang. This was at mid road of Jalan Hulu Langat. There could be more climbs further up and we opted to cease at this junction and called it off for the day ride.
Wai Sek Kai of Taman Putra, a road with two long rows of food stalls and surely a food paradise in this part of the world. We settled for some sweet dessert and cold drinks.
We tried some of the popular foods like Ais Batu Kacang ABC and cendol.

Opposite to where we were eating I saw this attractive stall with long spread of dishes for economical rice. I would like to try it next time.
Finally we came back to KL city and it was a lovely ride with an excellent weather. Thanks to jer Ping for leading us this route.

After coming back into the city centre, we dispersed and went separate ways to our respective homes. Passing by Kg Baru is my regular route back home.
I was glad that I have done such a workout on a beautiful Sunday and has prompted me to create an event for my cyclist friends .

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