Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Ride of Silence 2013

Kuala Lumpur
On the 15th Day of  May 2013 a group of cyclists gathered themselves to execute a ride known globally as "Ride of Silence" and in a small scale in Kuala Lumpur we rode in silence in honour for those who have been killed or injured while riding on the roads. 
 These were the bicycles that took the street in silence.

 The meeting place was at LRT Ampang Park Station.

 A step to create awareness for the motorists of the danger they pose to cyclists, though this step might be small but hopefully and slowly it will be felt.

We regrouped at the end of the ride to share our cycling experiences and knowledge.
We started with a citation by Ess.
 The night was silent except for a few cars revving at the road corner.
A senior cyclist giving his share of his cycling knowledge.
At the end everyone agreed that we have to be cautious on the road in order to avoid any unforeseen circumstances.

Especially to this friend of mine, Francios Gailles who was killed back home in Geneva while cycling on the public road. May you rest in peace Ah Fook (his Malaysian nick name). 

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