Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Bike Packing to Sg. Chiling Fish Sanctuary, Kuala Kubu Bahru

I came early to the train station thinking that I can negotiate for a better fare (trying to pull a fast one on the lady) anyway  the fare was RM4.60 from Kepong Sentral to Rasa.
The response was overwhelming it was supposed to have a limit of 20 people but due to its popular demand the number went up to 37....all went well with full of enjoyment and memory in this trip. Thanks to Johnny for organising this wonderful event.
I don't really have much opportunity to do this kind of activity, pack your bike travel on a train to a desired destination and ride around....should do it more often.....
10 of us started from Kepong Sentral Train Station and the time was around 6.50am
The train is expected to arrive any moment at this platform.
Welcome aboard!!! Everyone was in the best of mood enjoying every minutes of it including the train ride....
Unfortunately we have change train and catch a connecting one to Rasa, well... a bit of exercise is good and fun.

The connecting train has yet to come but it was short wait at Rawang.
Chris & Jimmy came in time to join us on the same train though it was a bit of rush for them but they made it.
 We will be disembarking at Rasa station and expecting to meet a few more friends there who drove instead of taking train.

Unpack, unfold and all set to ride a bicycle......

Let's gather here for a group photo
An aunty came and join us for a group photo was so sporting of her.... 
 These pre war shop houses are more than one hundred years old and are still standing majestically in a quiet corner of Rasa.
This is not the final group there are a few more waiting at Kuala Kubu Bahru...

Every time when we ride through a town we make sure heads are turned.....cos all the sudden a swarm of colourful mini bikes with helmeted riders passing through them which they hardly see it.

From Rasa heading towards Kuala Kubu Bahru.
Another eight to go....
A  total of 37 riders including a couple of young kids forming the entire troop for the battle....what a great outing on a beautiful Sunday. 
Three of us went to the local market to buy roast pork and some local kuih muih. 
Siew Yuk specially purchased from the KKB market. 
The fun and thrill with a group of friends savouring together for a good delicacy...

This eating shop is famous for Wan Ton Mee and the business was extremely good.

Our Muslim friends coming back from their breakfast. 
All fuelled up and were ready for Sg. Chiling.
Let's go...let's go before the sun gets hotter.....

The ride immediately after KKB town was excellent with tall trees canopying over the road but not the other half before the dam there weren't any shade hot & barren.

Regroup at the entrance of the dam while a few more have yet to reach... 
We are funny species and will do anything to attract attention......
At Empangan Kuala Kubu Bahru

What a scenic view.

The famous old steel bridge of Sg. Chiling where the British used to cross on their way to Fraser's Hills. 
And here we were at the entrance of the fish sanctuary of Sg. Chiling.
A short off road ride into the sanctuary.
We stopped here to rest and have fun.
A good place for picnic indeed.
I hope one day these two boys will trace this photo when they grow up.
Crystal playing with the friendly fishes (Kelah).
The called it Sg. Chiling Laksa and without any hesitation I ordered one. The gravy is different from the Northern States with a more spicy & hotter taste and it was awesome.
I took my time slowly to savour this lovely laksa and I get high on it. What a good discovery I like it.  
I recommended to these two, they were a bit skeptical intially but ended up ordering another two more bowls. In fact Radzi & Joe came suit to enjoy this marvel. The magic was the gravy and the laksa noodle was gorgeous too.
At the centre of the sanctuary with a camping site at the periphery including proper amenities for the campers.

Leaving "Santuari Ikan Sg Chiling" after a good rest at the water course.

We saw these 4 "Ang Mo" enjoying their weekend in the cool river and an icebox of cold beer. What a way to spend their weekend in Sg. Chiling...thumb up!!!
Back and out into the blazing hot road to KKB.
Majority of us took our lunch here and it was surely a late lunch.

A few of us chose the Cendol of Kuala Kubu Bahru found near the Post Office.
The laksa assam of KKB would be great if it's not that salty and nothing like the one we tried at the fish sanctuary.
The clock tower built sometime in the 1930's to commemorate the coronation of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth.
But it is a pity seeing the monument being poorly maintained and if there is no immediate action taken I think the dilapidation will get worsen.

Xinme & Joe having a good home cooked meal.
How was the lunch my friends? It must be good.

Waiting for train these days isn't that bad and long...
Here comes the train and let's board....

Rawang we will be back here for more connecting trains especially if we are travelling north. Maybe our next destination will be Ipoh kita mali......


  1. i need to scroll up n down to post a comment haha..
    nice photos.. especially the food part!!! makes me hungry..
    sanctuary ikan sg chilling looks like a nice place. will try it out :)

  2. petpetkia - you check this place out...
