Saturday, October 26, 2013

Day 2 - Bike Touring Nakhon Si Thammarat to Sichon

5:30am - We left Nakhon Si Thammarat the sky was still dark and streets were quiet.
6:00am - we stopped for a breakfast at a small town, I had a numb sensation at my groin and decided to put on my padded short. At one time I thought I need not have to bring it and thank goodness I brought. It was smooth riding for the next 4 days. Hence I must say it is a MUST to bring a padded short for such tour unless you got a ass made of steel. 
Dim Sum is slightly different from Malaysia smaller in size but as good and tasty.
I like the pau, they are incredibly soft and delicious.
6:30am - We resumed the tour.
 pedal and pedal .... and enjoyed the scenery
The weather was kind of cloudy and cooling.
7:30am - it started to rain but it was not heavy we could still continue cycling.
All wet yet we kept going....
My dashboard for the next 5 days.
7:46am - We were here ... Thakheun.
Cycling in Thailand is pretty safe & friendly.
7:56am - 7-11 stop over - the rain got heavier
My new fender did not work well.
8:16am - Trying to recharge the body & mind.
Self improvised fender reinforced with 2 satay sticks and it work very well.
8:25am - Back to the road.
8:56am - We encountered the first flat tyre and it was Michelle's.
Sam is ever ready and found a suitable ground for the repair. It was a puncture alright and a new tube was replaced.
9:45am - All done and back into the journey.
10:00am - Suddenly a couple greeted me "Sawadikap"and I turned around and saw 2 whites. It was a couple from UK on a super duper spaceship. It is hybrid of a recumbent, a tandem and a trailer...
They were as if moving house in fact they were on their way to Surat Thani for a diving adventure. They told me they started this tour since May last year and don't know when they will be going back to United Kingdom. My salute to them!!!!
10:10am We have to say goodbye to this British couple. On a flat road like this they can go as fast as 26km per hour and off they went for Surat Thani. Hope to see them in Malaysia on their return trip.
This place looks cool for a cold drink.
The weather was getting hot we stopped at this place to rest our bodies and cooled it down with coca cola. I must admit I took a lot of cokes in the trip.
There was no free wifi here but there was free banana for us..
A generous lady who she kept on offering us fruits to eat and charged only for the cost of coke....sawadikap....
11:06 - There are sufficient road signs at the highway that will keep you on track.
Crossing the highway 401
11:11am - Sign of relief .... beach is nearby!
11:18am - Ultimately I came close to the sea, I love the smell of it and enjoyed the wonderful breeze. I just could not imagine I could bring my bicycle to this part of the world.
11:25am - Another flat tyre countered by Michelle again as we were about to move on to look for accommodation. We found the best "workshop" ever to repair the bicycle with breezy wind, well furnished shelter and at a cosy seaside.
1:10pm we continued along a scenic road parallel to the shoreline with simple timber houses and plenty of coconut trees.
We hopped into a few resorts...there were ample to choose.
2.00pm - Lunch at the resort's restaurant - I had a good & wonderful seafood Lad Na while deciding whether to stay in this place or not.
3:25pm So we decided to check-in the resort with a room rate for 2 @ 1,000bahts
What more do you expect for 500bahts each for a night stay including breakfast.
4:15pm After checking -in & a quick laundry chore I went out to the beach for a relaxing moment.
5:10pm - It was time for dinner and off we headed to Sichon town, saw these trawlers coming back to the shore.
Approaching the town of Sichon
This is it, Sichon a small cowboy town uncrowded and peaceful with no foreign tourists lingering around.
Asking a Policeman for a direction & food recommendation. We wanted specifically a meal of moogata and he gave us the solution. 
5:45pm - At last we found the place after a roam in the town.
We thought we were early but there were patrons earlier than us.
This is moogata buffet where you can either grill & boil your food. 
Eat as much as you can for less than 200bahts each.
What a road name we saw on our way back to the resort. I realised that these small towns sleep very early...come 9.00pm it's dead.
The route we took for the day and a distance in the range of 80km.

1 comment:

  1. Very inspiring touring ride !
    and the side cycle lane is so wide;

    and interesting pictures like the recumberent riders !
