Monday, November 11, 2013

Let's Cycle to Sg. Pisang somewhere near Karak Highway

I met up with Farid & Jer Ping at Ampang Park for our journey to Sg. Pisang. This was my first time to Sg. Pisang Waterfall. Some cycled from home, some met up at Setapak and it was a Deepavali Day.
Together with Kook Keong, Chris Ng & Anne Cheong we headed to Jalan Gombak towards Genting Sempah. Somewhere before the Orang Asli Hospital we turned right for a complicated hike to Karak Highway.
It was one hell of experience we had to climb up using the drains & cutting through thick bushes.
Carrying our bicycles and going through these obstacles was indeed very challenging.
We made it to the top at Karak Highway. for the successful attempt... Farid slipped and fell on the slippery concrete drain while climbing up and suffered some small bruises on the leg fortunately nothing severe.
The highway was packed with vehicles moving out of the city what an exodus.
After a couple of strenuous climbs at the highway we reached the entrance point to Sg Pisang Waterfall.
There were no proper road or track for bicycle and I don't think many have cycled to this place. Only the crazy ones like us will do it.
This is the waterfall at the lower stream. Sg Pisang Waterfall is located near Karak Highway. GPS coordinates is 3.317068,101.732774 and it's about less than 30km from KL.
We moved further up the stream, I have heard of people going to Sg. Pisang by hiking and never by bicycle. When Farid proposed this I was intrigued and interested....going by interesting and let's do it.
This spot was ideal and a perfect place for picnic. I have to bring & share food next time as I have never had this habit of picnicking....hehehe I am learning.
The water was clean and cold....
Natural water jet pool .... cool and cosy.....
 Some of the pictures I took during this trip.
The six of us after a good rest and fun at Sg. Pisang.
Back to commando activity...and for the highway.
The U turn and a tunnel for our homeward bound. It was a hot and tiring journey back home. What a memorable day on a Deepavali. 

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