Wednesday, December 25, 2013

China Trip Day 6 - Tiananmen Square, Forbidden City, Temple of Heaven & Summer palace

Our second day of a guided tour by Leo (in blue).
The first place was Tiananmen Square.
This place of interest attracts not only foreign visitors but also the abundance of local Chinese.
From Tiananmen Square we proceeded to Forbidden City  with interesting stories & historical facts from Leo.
A military guard @ Forbidden City.
In the Forbidden City.
Some of the shots at the Forbidden City.

Hall of Preserved Harmony.
The last session of the tour in the Forbidden City.

That was it, I was here @ the Forbidden City. At the rear exit.
The city is surrounded by this 6m deep X 52m wide moat to keep away enemy entering the city.
Another one of those commercial visits to help China's economy. This time was scary and it was to a Traditional Chinese Medicine Center.
A talk given by a qualified doctor both in western & Chinese medical fields and later followed by a physician taking our pulse rates for our health review.
Some ended up purchasing medication for few months. To believe it or's all up to you.
A brief of Temple of Heaven.
Another must visit place in Beijing. 

Gambling row inside the Temple of Heaven.
The vast green lung of Beijing also popular among the local Chinese for morning exercises.
At the entrance of Summer Palace 颐和园 with interesting statistic for you to know.
Used to be an imperial hideout but has been open as a public park since 1924.
Summer Palace of Beijing expresses the art of Chinese landscape with beautiful garden design.
Water is the biggest element in Summer Palace combined with the surrounding hills making it a wonderful paradise.
A magnificent landscape garden design with outstanding aesthetic value.
Grand buildings and tower are among the gorgeous sight in the park.
A brief of Wenchang 文昌 Tower. A similar name with my late father's.
I reckon it will be more beautiful during summer time.
Moving over to the place of  the powerful Empress Dowager Cixi 慈禧太后
Empress Dowager used to reside in this building. Cixi designed the Phoenix to be more powerful than the Dragon, normally the Dragon would be on the right side (but not in this case) and the dragon has no ball at the left claw. That is how powerful Cixi was.
Care to take a trishaw to the subway. That was it for Day 6.

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