Friday, January 17, 2014

Paya Indah Wetlands from Putrajaya

It was a public holiday, Prophet Mohammed's Birthday and I was itching for a bicycle ride. I found out that Irene Cho was going to roam around Putrajaya to clock for 50km so I went along for the fun.
I decided to take my Boston Montague for the exploration and I wanted to see the hippo & crocs.
The Adventurers of the Day.
We parked our cars near Alaf Baru Monument and started the journey about 8 plus in the morning, the weather was excellent throughout the journey.
From Putrajaya we reached our first destination for breakfast at Dengkil at a Mamak shop for some roti canai.
Here we were at Paya Indah Wetlands our Malaysian eco-tourism park which is about 50km from Kuala Lumpur.
Welcome to Paya Indah Wetlands, my last visit here was many years back when the place was a total let down. I could now smell revival of the wetlands with nicely maintained landscape and proper staffing as we moved into the park.
Irene, the organiser registering the group adding number to the record of visitors to this place. It definitely needs publicity many are still not aware of this wetlands.
A stop at the reception counter for some photo taking.
Sketches seen at the reception counter of the Wetlands.
Rennie and a colourful peacock and I learnt that this is a male peacock that had to be beautiful in order to attract the opposite sex.
Elegant views from the rear and side of this handsome peacock.
There are 3 hippopotamus in this wetlands a mother which is this one, a father and a baby hippo (both of them were at the pond when we were there).
While waiting for the caretaker to feed her, she was eating some green vegetation.
Let's selfie but please don't harm me ....
Feeding time is 10am, and for your information hippopotamus is a herbivorous animal. 
These are the food for the hippo.
While waiting for the feeding of crocodiles at 11am, we met this cool monkey and it's a vervet monkey found mainly in South Africa.
He is not afraid of people and doesn't mind we taking pictures of him so long as we do not frighten him.
Distinctly with a black face and white fringe of hair.
Finally it's feeding time for the crocodiles at another side of the wetlands.
Chicken was the food for the crocs sometime they feed on goats or cows and apparently a day before they had already eaten goats. Hence they weren't that hungry anymore nthey still eat but not that active like normal.
These crocodiles here are one of the largest and fiercest aquatic reptiles in the world.
They look lazy but dangerous ... don't you ever try going near them...
That's was it and time to go back. Thanks to Irene for leading us to this wonderful park away from the hustle & bustle of city life.
On the way back to Putrajaya we stopped by at Dengkil for our feeding time .... it was a quack quack lunch at Serdang Duck King.
One of the much talk about roast duck in Dengkil.
Just before turning off into Putrajaya we stopped for cendol dessert. The original Borhan Cendol Durian at Kuala Selangor is still the best.
Safely we reached Putrajaya & back home.
This was the route we took from Putrajaya to Paya Indah Wetlands & back to Putrajaya approximately a 40km journey. Route was tracked by Kook Keong and special thanks to him.

Paya Indah Wetlands 

Jabatan Perlindungan Hidupan Liar dan Taman Negara


KM4, Jalan Dengkil-Banting, 43800 Dengkil, Selangor
Tel: 03-8768 7616 / 03-8768 8726 

Fax: 03-8768 8424

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