Friday, February 14, 2014

Mass Cycling During Hari Wilayah Persekutuan Celebration at Putrajaya

Probably this could be the biggest turn out for a cycling event and it was reported that 6,000 over cyclists were on the road on this particular day. Syabas!!!
Many of our cycling buddies met up at the usual place Millennium Monument. We split into two groups one went for the beautiful gardens and the other for the 50km ride from Putrajaya to Bukit Jalil & back. 
I chose the official event for a different flavour and here we were at the starting point.
It was a carnival with so many riders, all kind of bicycles, all kind of shape and sizes including the people. It was indeed a fantastic and colourful event.
The number was so big that at times we have to stop and push our bikes ... it's just not moving especially at bottle necks and drink stations.
Just look the crowd at the drink station.
The convoy was so big that at times the traffic has to be halted..... I felt sorry for the road users ... anyway it's an once a blue moon affair.  Thanks to the Traffic Police and Marshals for an excellent traffic management.
Bukit Jalil here we were .... it was time for a light refreshment and lucky draw but unfortunately riders like me does not have a share in it ... hehehe because I was a ghost rider.
This lorry was a sweeper, if you were unable to continue riding back to Putrajaya, they were at your service just load your bike into the lorry and air conditioned buses will waiting for you to ferry you back.
Let's get back to Putrajaya it was another 25km to go under the hot sun.
Irene Cho surprised herself by completing this strenuous 50km ride she was so happy about it and hope this will give her an extra oomph to do more. Congratulation!!! 
The sight of finishing the line was visible as the weather was getting hotter and hotter. What a relief.
Bomba was there to cool us down immediately after the finishing line.
 Some of my friends that I met during this this mega convoy to Bukit Jalil.

Before I could drive back home, I got a message to join my buddies (the group that went for garden viewing) for a lunch at Dengkil. We has a sumptuous lunch together at Kedai Makanan Sinki.
The route that we took for this memorable convoy from Putrajaya to Bukit Jalil and back to Putrajaya.
Unfortunately there was a fatal incident in this event. Shariful Mahasan Mazlan (34) from Klang collapsed upon finishing the line at 12 noon, he died an hour later due to breathing difficulty. May his soul rest in peace.

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