Monday, March 24, 2014

Bamboo Odyssey - London to Sydney on Bamboo Bicycles

These two ladies are cycling from London to Syndey with their own hand crafted bamboo bicycles. You can check it out at their blog Bamboo Odyssey for more info. It's truly amazing.
What a privilege to meet them Jules & Li in Kuala Lumpur.
Thanks to Jeffery for the invitation, a dinner with Jules & Li, the bamboo pedallers.
A glimpse at the bamboo bicycles, you can see more at Bamboo Odyssey. 
One lovely evening gathering & dining at Palate Palette.
Hey Jules it's good chatting with you and I'll be following your blog..... cheers!!!
Good luck my ladies, your final destination is near and soon it's home for you.
Safe journey ... you are awesome!!!!

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