Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Foldies Cycling to Klang 巴生 for a Food Adventure

A group of foldies wanted to ride to Klang for Bak Kut Teh, the sky was hazy but that did not dampen them from doing so.
We gathered at Dataran Merdeka and kicked off around 7.45am.
As usual we went through Brickfields and into the motor lane of Federal Highway.
Part of the motor lane was under repair, motorcyclists were pretty lesser on the road and always friendlier for cycling on a Sunday.
As we approaches Shah Alam the sky was getting worse, it looks like cloudy but it was not.
A pit stop to regroup and rest before we enter the golden gate of Klang 巴生.
Concertedly we chose Berkeley Garden to break our fast which mean a 3 o'clock turning was made.
I have eaten Bak Kut Teh consecutively for the last two days and seeing one more would make me shiver. Something less exaggerate something light & soothing would be ideal. It was just a few doors away there is this famous Pan Mee shop known Fatty Mee Hoon Kuih House, Patric & myself opted for this choice. 
Simple yet tasty Mee Hoon Kuih or commonly known as Pan Mee, a hand made rice dough thinly pinched serve with lean meat, anchovies, veggie and with an extra egg added. The soup was lovely.
The waiting time was long as usual and I finished it clean. What a good breakfast in "Pa Sang".
The majority of them was BKT adventuring at Mor Sang Kor, they were disappointed with the no garlic and stingy soup refill .... well that's the way in Mo Sang Kor. You don't like it there are many others who love it .... hehehe. Enjoy bro!!!!
A bit of town rounding and shopping as the heat was mounting .....
Nothing like loitering at the cool double decker bridge we enjoyed the river breeze and views from here.
Taking a short cut in an illegal manner was fun ... please do not try it again.
Coffee time at Chong Kok coffee shop, a truly 1 Malaysia Coffee Shop where you can see all races patronising together. Bravo!!!
The heat and haze were getting intense, we had to leave Klang and in a comfortable air conditioned train. We had a good fun chatting and laughing in the coach.
Another suggestion cropped up.... i.e. to have ice kacang at PJ Old Town and we decided to disembark at Jalan Templer station for it.
We took the wrong way and did not made it to PJ Old Town. We continued riding along Old Klang Road towards the city and the search for ABC continued.
Nothing like a delicious cold ice kacang in Brickfields. I was glad to see the Ice Kacang stall opened if not I would be a dead duck......hehehe.
A route of 70 over kilometres of cycling and train commuting on a hot and hazy Sunday to Klang ....  just for a food adventure.

Cheers we shall meet again.

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