Saturday, May 24, 2014

Ride of Silence 2014 Kuala Lumpur

The Ride of Silence is a yearly international bicycle ride to commemorate cyclists killed or injured while riding on public roads. It helps to raise awareness among motorists of the dangers they pose to cyclists.

The Ride of Silence is held on the 3rd Wednesday in May.

A group of us started the evening at Titiwangsa where we had a earlier ride around the city followed with a simple dinner before joining the commemoration.
A year ago we met at the same place for the same purpose to commemorate this global activity. The response this year was better.
And off we went from Ampang Park LRT Station
Again like before we gathered here at this quiet place & shared our experiences. I was glad to see the same volunteers coming out to explain the significance of this ride and my salute to you guys!
A rider from Cheras shared his experience he had during one of the CFAL events in Penang where he was hit by a car from behind and the ordeal he went through was terrible.
So remember let's us ride safe and smart.
Especially to this friend of mine, Francios Gailles who was killed back home in Geneva while cycling on the public road. May you rest in peace.

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