Sunday, August 10, 2014

Let's Visit Baki on the First Day of Hari Raya Aidifitril Celebration 2014

It was the first day of Hari Raya Aidil Fitri and it was so nice of Baki Zainal to extend his invitation to visit his house on a wonderful and joyous day. An event was created for a ride to Shah Alam for this visit while the entire Kuala Lumpur was deserted as if all have gone back to celebrate at their homelands.
We started with 4 of us (Lucy, Wai Keat, Jimmy & myself) from Dataran Merdeka using the motor lane of Federal Highway with Andrew & Hui Min joining us at Batu Tiga.
The convoy got bigger as we gathered at the Shah Alam High Court, friends from places like Penang, Klang etc etc came and were in the mood for this festive moment.
We were early and as planned we wanted to see the street murals of Shah Alam and also check out the bicycle lanes of this well planned township before we adjourn for Baki's house.
A piece of a 3-D art. This back lane was unpopular and disorganised now that this creation it has brighten the atmosphere. In fact it has becomes a place of attraction for people to admire these arts. Bravo!!!
 Some of the street arts of Section 2 Shah Alam.
This posting at Facebook was a hit among our cycling buddies.
After a slight extra dosage of hunting and sweating we finally found the house
For the first time (I guess) this house was invaded by so many folding bicycles including another group of friends coming from Serdang. It was time to party and makan and makan .... we just couldn't wait to start the feast.
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri
The food was fantastic with abundant Raya cookies to pamper us. We simply love Makcik's food. Terima kasih Makcik.
Not forgetting a delicious banana chocolate cake.
It was also a good time to mingle among friends and thanks again to Baki for being such a great host.
All good things must to come to an end we then headed back home using the same route and as we pedalled the group got smaller and smaller after turning off to our respective directions. I reached home safely with a total distance of 75km, it a marvelous workout indeed. What an awesome day on the first Raya day.

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