Monday, January 26, 2015

Turkey - Cappadocia Day 5

We checked into Burcu Kaya cave hotel late in the night and was tired to explore the place. A good rest was what we waited before we enter into the world of Cappadocia, a name that was traditionally used in Christian sources throughout the history and is still widely used as an international tourism concept to define a region of exceptional natural wonders, like the fairy chimneys and a unique historical and cultural heritage of this region.
Just outside our room it has a good view and it is so scenic and interesting.
The breakfast is about the same every morning in a tour of such a nature, the best part was the weather it was getting cold with slight frost coating seen probably snowing is coming.
Our first visit of the day was a carpet making outlet. Brief but very informative and what a good hospitality by Gallery Cappadocia, it was what they called the Turkish way of welcoming visitors. Truly amazing and thank you Gallery Cappadocia.
 It was very educational and with a welcome drink waiting for us the Turkish style with apple tea offered. A tour of the place showing women making the rugs.
Extraction of silk from cocoons. 
I learnt about the different types of carpet like the knots, the knots per square cm, the quality, the arts ... etc etc and all was very interesting indeed.
Goreme open air museum here we come. This is the place we saw fairy-chimneys, local farms, pigeon houses and cave chapels.
The Goreme Open-Air Museum is a big monastic complex comprising of scores of refectory monasteries placed side-by-side, each with its own fantastic church.
Such as this chapel where it is one of the complex of medieval painted cave churches carved out by Orthodox monks, unfortunately photography in the chapel is prohibited.
Local tourists posing with us and they were such a friendly group.
The Goreme Open Air Museum has been a member of UNESCO World Heritage List since 1984, and was one of the first two UNESCO sites in Turkey.
Our lunch in a kind of cave building for a clay pot specialty.

A pot of lamb and vegetables baked in a sealed claypot. The dish was delicious.
A brief visit to a lady's world of jewellery at Ozler Art Center located at Uçhisar-Göreme
Despite the poor weather there were balloons up in the air, visibility was poor too.
Fairy Chimneys rock formation nearby Göreme.
We went to Turkey and if we don't check out what is a Turkish bath then it will not be complete. Here we were, the guys in the sauna before the bath..
Having fun and a good experience for a good rub.
The Turkish Night Show highlights the dance traditions of various regions of Turkey, complete with traditional costumes and of course, exhilarating belly dancers. This lively performance is a great way to enjoy traditional Turkish music, dancing and join in the festivities during audience participation.
After a couple of folk dances from different parts of Turkey, the highlight of the night was obviously the belly dancer. She made her breath-taking dance and went around the tables picking up participants. Some got to learn the secrets of belly-dancing with some basic movements. Awesome!
One of the several folk dances.
Rakı is an unsweetened, anise-flavored alcoholic drink that is popular in Turkey, and in the Balkan countries as an apéritif. It is often served with seafood or meze. It is similar to several other alcoholic beverages available around the Mediterranean and the Middle East, e.g. pastis, ouzo, sambuca, arak, and aguardiente. It is considered as the national alcoholic beverage of Turkey.
Standard rakı is a grape product, though it may be produced from figs as well. Rakı produced from figs, particularly popular in the southern provinces of Turkey.
There are two methods of Turkish rakı production. One method uses raisins and other grapes. It becomes whitish when mix with water.

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