Friday, April 30, 2010

Hole-In-One @ Golf Malaysia - Issue May 2010

My achievement of Hole-in-One on 28 February 2010 was featured in Golf Malaysia monthly magazine and here is the extract of the page.

The Extract ........

After The Ace

Chai Ming Ho
Berjaya Hills Golf & Country Club, Hole 6, 167 metres

An Ace Priced at RM250
My first ace happened after 10 years of playing golf. That golf outing was just like any other round; there was nothing special about it. I played the first few holes badly and I did not expect something spectacular would come out of it.

On Hole No. 6, I teed it up nicely and made a beautiful shot. Since the pin is invisible off the tee, I reckoned I might get the ball with the good strike off the tee, near the pin and set up a putt for birdie.

When we went to the green, I couldn’t find my ball! The three of us searched for quite some time until my instinct told me to go look in the cup. To my astonishment, my ball was sitting nicely inside it. I was so happy!

I am now at the same level as my other playing partners, who have added holes-in-one to their golf diaries. One of them even has eight aces to his name!

After the game, I went to the reception to declare my ace and fill in some documentation. I was surprised to learn that they (the insurance company) only allowed RM250 for any ace scored. I think it should be more than that since I bought the daily insurance, which is compulsory for each and every golfer. Can somebody please clarify this for me?

Sin Tai Lim
Kelab Golf Titiwangsa, Hole 1, 139 metres

A Birdie First, then an Ace
It happened on the par-3 Hole No. 1, which was our last hole of the Chinese New Year Trophy 2010 of Kelab Golf Titiwangsa PDRM as we started on Hole No. 2 on a shotgun mode.

We were playing from the white tee boxes and the downhill Hole No. 1 presents a distance of 139 metres. I took my 6-iron out of my bag, although I figured better golfers would use a 9-iron at that hole. But then again, who cares? What matters most was I could arrive nicely on the green!

Anyway, I had the honour to tee off first, as I birdied our previous hole. My faded shot landed about six feet behind the pin and miraculously rolled into the hole. My flightmates and I shouted jubilantly: “Hole-in-one!”

This was the best of my golfing days. I couldn’t ask for anything more.

David Koay
Kelab Rahman Putra, Hole 4, Hills Course, 197 metres
Best New Year’s Gift: an Ace
It all happened on 3 January 2010, when I played my first golf game for the year 2010 with my regular golf buddies on Sunday.

When we reached the 4th hole of the Hills Course, I faced a long par-3 of 197 metres, with the hole positioned at the back of the green. I decided to go with my Callaway driver FTIQ. I remember vividly that I had a perfect shot and the ball landed on the green. We all saw it rolling towards the pin and suddenly it disappeared. As the hole was quite a long distance away, we did not see the ball clearly but anticipated that it would be very close to the hole.

When we were approaching the green, I was getting very excited as there was no ball to be seen on the green. I quickly went to check the bunker at the back of the green but I still could not find my ball. At that moment, I was almost certain that I had scored a hole-in-one. My instinct was proved right when my partner went to the hole and found my golf ball. I was stunned for a few seconds and then I started shouting with joy that I have made it for my first hole-in-one. The feeling was indescribable. It was sensational, thrilling, incredible and extremely satisfying, as it has always been my dream to achieve one.

Immediately, however, I messed up my next hole by teeing into a pond, as I was trying very hard to calm myself down. Somehow, I managed to regain my composure for the last few holes and played my normal game.

I treated my golf buddies to an expensive lunch and took my family out for a very nice dinner to celebrate my achievement on that day. And I proudly shared the news and celebrated with some of my colleagues in the office the next day.

This is undoubtedly my best New Year’s gift ever that I will treasure for a lifetime, while my golfing adventure continues.

Mohd Radzi Hamid
Putra Perlis Golf Club, Hole 12, 100 metres

A Costly Affair
Having played golf for only four and a half years, I was very happy to have scored an ace.

I took a pitching wedge and hit a good shot on Hole 12, at 100 metres, and before I knew it, the ball landed beside the hole and spun towards it.

My friends were very happy, with one of them saying: “We are going to have a feast after this.”

What he said came true. Because of the club’s basic facilities, I ended up having to treat my playing partners to dinner elsewhere, and I used up all the money I collected from the insurance. I even treated them to another round of golf at the same golf club. Scoring an ace is quite a costly affair, isn’t it?

Chua Chiong Heng
Kota Permai Golf & Country Club, Hole 14, 131 metres
That Wonderful Feeling
I will never forget what happened on Hole 14 at Kota Permai Golf & Country Club. A bad round of golf turned out to be the most memorable round in my life!

I had lain off golf for almost a month because of school holidays and work commitments. So, when my friends invited me to play, I thought I was making a big mistake until we came to the 131-metre, par-3 Hole 14.

I hit a pure shot that flew straight towards the flag. My ball then bounced on the front of the fringe, rolled towards the cup, hesitated for a few seconds and slowly went in!

Let me tell you this, the feeling was great! Getting an ace is the ultimate dream of every golfer, and I will never, for the rest of my life, forget that moment when my dream came true!

After the bad round (I continued to play badly after the ace), I went to find the course marshal, who was on his rounds, and thanked him. He was the one who pointed out my swing mistakes just before I scored the ace. I also treated him to dinner and drinks. And as for my playing partners, I’d just like to say that I hope your turns come soon. It’s a wonderful feeling!

Shafie Shaifuddin
Kelab Darul Ehsan, Hole 4,
120 metres

It’s the Pro’s Doing
I owe my ace to my golf instructor. It was because of him that I managed to get back in rhythm and eventually had a hole-in-one.

The ace happened in front of him and one of his other students. I struck a pitching wedge nicely and the ball went on to the green and knocked against the pin. The other student, a Korean, quickly came up to me and shook my hands. I was speechless and was so happy that I inadvertently dropped the club I’d been using.

The rest of the round was even more interesting. I didn’t fumble or play badly. On the contrary, I managed some pars and a birdie. Not bad for someone who has only played golf for just two years, eh?

Much later after the game, I was told that no one has ever scored an ace on that particular hole since 1988. Wow! I was very fortunate. Another record to keep track of!

Fadzillah Suleiman
Saujana Golf & Country Club, Hole 14, Bunga Raya Course ,158 yards
I Never Thought This Would Happen
Perhaps it was because I never imagined I would score an ace, that when I made one I was very calm and composed!

I was not playing my usual game and felt a bit frustrated with myself. But, trying to be a good host to my friends, I kept all my feelings to myself. When we came to Hole 14, my partner hit a good shot that was within birdie range.

When my turn came, I thought, “If I can hit this ball to the left curb and let it roll, it might feed to the right side and give me a nearer birdie putt.”

And I did just that. But to my astonishment, the ball made a long roll straight towards the flag and disappeared. I picked up the tee and looked at my friends. They yelled: “You’ve scored an ace!”

When we got to the green, it was confirmed: my ball was in the cup. The course marshal, who happened to be there, clapped and cheered for me.

When the game was over, I treated my playing partners to a hearty meal. My friends also presented me a dozen golf balls of the same type that I had used to ace the hole. It was then that it dawned on me that scoring an ace is actually a big thing. The feeling did not sink in though, but maybe in a day or two it will!

Nick Ang Xia Ee
Monterez Golf & Country Club, Hole 15,160 metres
The Second Ace is Sweeter
I don’t mean to brag, but I am 15 and I already have two aces. My second ace happened very suddenly.

There were only just the two of us: my father and I. After a rather satisfying game through 14 holes, we came to the downhill Hole 15. I could see where I should be aiming, so I took my hybrid-4 and made the straightest shot I’ve ever made. The ball flew straight to the pin, hit the flag and went in! At first I couldn’t believe my eyes because I could still see the ball from the tee.

As my father drove the buggy to the green, the situation became clearer to me. When I got to the hole, I found my ball stuck between the hole and the flag. So I carefully and gently gave the flag a shake and the ball went in. I was relieved. My second ace happened in front of my father. I was happy and I could see he was too.

I wonder whether my father would present me a dozen golf balls for my feat. I probably should ask him for them.

Faizal Hakimi Jaafar
Glenmarie GCC, Hole 13, Valley Course,144 metres
From a Birdie to an Ace
I kind of knew my ace was coming, because I played the same hole the day before and I scored a birdie. So, on this auspicious day, I was determined to score a hole-in-one at the same hole.

Standing on the tee, I visualised my ball flight and tried to figure out where I should land the ball. My plan worked! The ball bounced on the fringe and rolled straight to the cup. I just looked at my friends and said: “I did it!”

After that, we continued our game, but my mind was going everywhere. We went back to the clubhouse after our round for a short break and to register my ace. You know what, I did not dare to ring the hole-in-one bell because there were many golfers at the terrace and I may have ended up paying a hefty bill. Due to my accomplishment, I won some money from bets plus three dozen golf balls from my playing partners. I can say that I had a pretty good return on my investment.

Later I posted my feat on Facebook, and congratulatory comments came pouring in. Inside, I was very proud of how I managed to turn a birdie into an ace! That was really an achievement!

Rabdi Nordin
Bukit Unggul GCC, Hole 14, 120 metres
A 28-year Wait is Over!
My wait is over. During a friendly game with my colleagues, I finally scored an ace.

I played well that day without realising something even greater would happen. We came to Hole No. 14 and I thought, “This hole looks easy. I’ll try and hit the ball near to the pin and try for a birdie.”

I hit a straight shot and the ball bounced once and disappeared into the hole. I then looked at my friends in disbelief. They looked at me and everybody went very quiet. After a few seconds, I suddenly laughed and clenched my fist in the air, followed by a round of applause from my friends. I felt as though I have won one million ringgit!

Right after the ace, I pulled myself together and played a steady game. Later, I did not forget to treat my playing partners to a sumptuous dinner with the insurance money that I got.

Rest assured that I am surely going to join the Golf Malaysia Ace of Aces tournament this coming November.

Mohamad Azim bin Ishak
@ Kamis
Nilai Springs GCC, Hole 13, Island Nine,173 metres
I Lost My Amateur Status!
I got a car for this hole-in-one, then I got a letter and there went my amateur status! Well, let me tell my story from the beginning. I started golf nine years ago and a member of Nilai Springs all those years.

I had registered for its two-day 11th Annual Club Championship. My score for the first day was satisfactory, so I had a 50-50 chance of winning the championship although there were many good players around.

On the second day, I started my game from the first nine. After 12 holes, I was 2-over. At Hole No. 13, one of my flight mates nearly had a hole-in-one when his ball hit the pin, but unfortunately it ricocheted and landed on the green instead.

I was the last to tee off on Hole No. 13. My ball made contact with my 5-wood and flew straight into the cup! When I saw that, I was happy beyond words. I was happy because I shot my very first ace, I was happy because the hole-in-one prize for the hole was a Mazda 3 sedan worth more than RM100,000 (the car was on display for the two days!) and I was happy because my hole-in-one was the first ace achieved during Nilai Springs’ Annual Club Championship for over ten years! I quickly called my boss, En Azmir, who is also a keen golfer, to share my joy.

After the ace, my next hole, a par-4, became a par-8! Yes, I was that nervous! I played the remaining five holes just to finish the game, as by then I knew that I had no hope of winning the championship.

When we got back to the clubhouse, the news of my ace had spread and many people came over to congratulate me.

I had been smiling day and night from that day I shot my ace till the day I got the car! I then sold off the car for more than RM90,000. I put aside some money from the sale for a kenduri and reserved another RM500 as a ‘Carlsberg fund’ for my Chinese and Indian friends.

Then, about three months after the historic day of the championship, I received a letter from the Malaysian Golf Association, informing me about my losing the amateur status. I frankly didn’t know I would lose my amateur status if I decided to accept the prize of the 1.6-litre Mazda 3, but I don’t have any regrets over this, as I don’t think I will get another hole-in-one again!

Ahmad Nazri bin Nayan
Kelab Rekreasi Tentera Udara, Hole 11, 178 metres
NĂºmero Uno
I have played golf for five years and am a member of Kelab Rekreasi Tentera Udara (KRTU). On the historic morning, I was playing in KRTU’s monthly medal. I started from the second nine, and I got a bogey on my opening hole.

The next hole, No. 11, was also the hole where they had a Nearest-to-Pin challenge. I was the third to tee off, and I did so with my usual swing. Right after that, my friends told me that my ball fell on the left side of the green and then rolled across to the right of the green, so I thought my shot landed in the bunker that guards the green.

We then went to the green to find our balls, and my intuition told me that I might have holed an ace. So I looked in the hole, and my heart leapt. Yup, my ball was sitting snugly in there. I was surprised beyond words, as I’ve never expected I’d shot a hole-in-one. All three of my flight mates were also witnesses to an ace for the first time. And you know what? I achieved my first ace on Hole No. 11. That’s a lot of number ‘1s’!

After the ace, I maintained my good form and got back to the clubhouse with a respectable par golf round. I went to ring the bell and then treated everyone there to a round of drinks. The club gave me a dozen golf balls, but I didn’t get anything from my flight mates. Instead, they were the ones who asked me to give them golf balls!

Mej Mohd Yusof Othman
Orna Golf & Country Club, Hole 2, East Course,150 metres
Beyond Shock
After 10 years of playing and a lot of practising, I finally got what I’ve wanted.

Although some months had passed, I still have a very clear picture of my 5-iron shot that went for the pin. I shot 45 gross on the West nine during our friendly game. We also had some little bets including ‘nearest-to-pin’ challenges at every par-3.

When I got to this short hole, all I wanted was to be closest to the pin. As soon as my club hit the ball, I could feel it was a good shot. Man, it was “dead on” the target. I watched the ball land on the green, roll downhill and go straight into the hole! My friends all froze in disbelief. Then we quickly rushed to the green. Straightaway I gave my lucky ball a long kiss and put it in my bag. What a thrill! The nice feeling I had was beyond shock, beyond excitement and beyond my imagination. I once had an albatross at Impian Golf Club, but that feeling cannot match this one.

After the ace, I was very confused. My thoughts kept rewinding, like a recorder, to the shot I took. My brain was filled with too many questions like “How can?”, “How did I do it?” and “How was I able to do it?”, things like that, because I couldn’t believe I was able to hit a ball that small into a hole from 150 metres. If I am this good, then my golfing skill must be 80 per cent and my luck 20 per cent. I’m playing a lot better now and hunger for more aces. I love this game!

Norlida Anis
Kelab Golf Negara Subang, Hole 13, Putra Course, 128 metres
What I Call Precision
It had to be the most enjoyable round I’ve ever had! Not only did I play with the three funniest ladies in my club, I also achieved my very first ace. As we came to Hole No. 13, I thought to myself: “I’ve never played well on this hole. Please let me hit this on the green and two-putt from there.”

Before I knew it, I hit a pure shot to the green and the ball went right into the cup! I couldn’t believe my eyes, but my friends verified that I’ve just scored an ace. Words couldn’t describe my feelings at that time.

After we finished our round, I went to the hole-in-one bell and proudly rang it as loud as I could. As a result, I ended up paying quite a hefty bill for the food and drinks for all the golfers who were there.


  1. From a cowboy town Padang Serai....
    ..sparkling in the city...

  2. nadz - thanks. saja main2 from budak PS to happy happy.....
