Thursday, April 04, 2013

Critical Mass Kuala Lumpur March 2013

This is my first time joining this cycling event called "Critical Mass" which is actually a global event held over 300 cities on the last Friday of the month. I was made to understand that this event in Kuala Lumpur have been around for the last couple of years initiated by some Mat Salleh cyclists and the response was tremendous.  
The purposes of this event is to create awareness of bicycling culture in the city that is still alive and to gain a fair share of the road usage.
The group started to gather at Ampang LRT Station from 9pm and a total of approximately 50 cyclists turned up for this mini carnival. We started to roll around 10.30pm.
There were all kind of bicycles from small bicycles BMX to old classic bicycles including two on roller skates. The mass was good enough to create attention and we had a pit stop to regroup at Bukit Bintang shopping paradise.
Dataran Merdeka seems to be the common stop for this ritual and it was the last stop for some of us. Some continued their ride to other part of the city for supper and some went back. The ride was short but relaxing which was fun and a chance to meet new cycling comrades. Let's us support this group even though there are some controversial issues arising out of this event but all in all there is a common objective that can be achieved and in the hope of creating good cycling awareness in the public in the name of safety riding.


  1. Sin,
    so glad you've enjoyed your first CM ride in KL. When I attended event 2 years ago, there were a few hundred cyclists. It was a cycling carnival.

  2. Woh, you have attended this 2 years back,thought it was last 2 months....hehehe
