Sunday, April 07, 2013

Searching for a Cycleable Route from Dataran Merdeka to Bangsar

Looking for new routes for cycling has become an interesting task for me as there are not many connectivity from one place to another be it a ride for leisure or work. This time around we wanted to connect Dataran Merdeka to Bangsar
Riding in backlanes is always interesting and is part and parcel of route searching.
Free hot soup for the homeless at old Klang Bus Station Jalan Bandar which is tucked next to Klang River. I was surprised to see so many homeless people in Kuala Lumpur
Getting down to a path running along the river towards Brickfields was an unusual experience. This route has a great potential and it is a prefect choice to convert it into a proper cycling lane. Let's hope the relevant authorities can take notice of it and make it happen.
Yes! we managed to make it to Bangsar with our bicycles, I guess the most trickiest was the crossing of Jalan Bangsar from Jalan Travers. It requires a mere push via several pedestrian crossings assisted with traffic lights. Thanks to Seang Nee for accompanying me in this search.
It was this lady in green who requested a ride to Bangsar that initiated this event. We gathered at RSC Dataran Merdeka for the ride after our individual works.
There were some of us who started from Bangsar led by a Sifu to the Independence Square.
Together we headed for the beautifully drawn graffiti at Klang River behind the famous Sultan Abdul Samad Building.
It is relatively a long stretch of paint work colourful, surrounded by skyscrapers and old KL buildings. Please note that cycling along this river edge is only possible during dry day.
Confidently the group took the narrow path along the river towards Brickfields, certain section of the path is uneven, at times some even have to carry their bicycles ...I like when some said it was educational going through this paths along the river.
At last we reached Bangsar and had a chance to meet an interesting person with his Cycling KL Map project, Jeff briefly explained the objective and aspiration of this map project. 
Looking back at Little India @ Brickfields is Mr.Kwan, from here we went forward to Chinatown to meet another cycling group for supper. So now we know how to get to Bangsar from Dataran and more connections and discoveries to be identified. Let's enjoy our city ride. 

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