Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A brief visit to Port Weld now known as Kuala Sepetang

It was after a wonderful meal of mee Udang at Mak Jah at Kg. Menteri we decided to ronda & see corners of Port Weld.
It's always enjoyable to see new places and a good idea to use a bicycle to see these places when given a short time.
A simple lunch at a beautiful river side where many city folks would envy.
The row of houses cum jetty for the fishing boats to harbour and bring fishes back from the sea.
We met a chap who runs a sight seeing business, he can show you in a boat for activities like eagle watching, cockle shell island and others around the port.
The construction of river side accommodation is under way with a restaurant below. I hope to visit this place in the near future.
Life is so simple in a town like Kuala Sepetang.
Diesel powered kiln used especially during raining season.
Tray of prawns ready to be put into the kiln for drying.
I have been here before for a wonderful dinner. See here!
An unique modification of the carriage motorbike with a bigger tyre on one side. This is a common sight in this fishing town.

People here are free and easy going ... motorists without helmets and the law enforcement would also close one eye in this friendly town.
Oh oh it's raining, we took shelter here and fortunately it was only for a short while.
Welcome to Port Weld, Sir!!!
Port Weld / Kuala Sepetang
GPS : 4.838544,100.633906

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