Wednesday, September 18, 2013

An Experience of a Film Making - a Ride to Serendah Waterfall

A day before the actual day two friends went to Serendah to survey the logistics of a proposed cycling route for the shooting.
11 of us were picked to help in a production for a TV programme called "Get Fit Get Focus". It is a 13 episode programme on simple fitness activities and cycling is one of them.
Good Morning Serendah!!! ...everyone of us has to wake up very early in the morning, some of us left in a convoy from RSC Bukit Kiara at 5.30am.
So here we were in Serendah in the morning of 15 September 2013. As usual we have to eat before we can do anything for the day.
Besides the good local coffee, we tried a variety of noodles which was unique and interesting.
This is the coffee shop,  Kedai Kopi Yee Kee a place for you to remember if you want to find a reasonable good breakfast in Serendah.
All fully satisfied with their morning meals and were ready to rock & roll.
A briefing by Jason Chong, the Director of the production house.
We took his briefing bit by bit and try our best to blend with his expectation.
A warm up ride around the town and enjoy the Sunday crowd of Serendah.
Now...this looks rather serious... right..... there were scenes of us gathering at this meeting point, unfolding our bicycles, putting on our gloves and helmets like what we normally will do....
Jason joined us in the ride while the crew members were following us in a van and a cameraman on a scooter. 
7 Wells was our first stop and it was about 2km away from the town.
We did some scenes of warm up stretches as part of our cycling practice.
The crews were requested by the Director to prepare a few smaller video cams to be fixed onto us.
Like on the helmet
Onto the bicycle.
On our way to the Waterfall.

While the cameraman on scooter would move up and down taking shots of us cycling.
Within a short ride we reached the waterfall of Serendah the place was crowded with people picnicking.
YY Lee is the writer of this programme, he too rode with us and he surely enjoyed doing it. YY you should get one of this small bike leh.
While some crew members were working on something at the lower waterfall we rode further up to another fall.
Cameraman capturing moments of our arrival at the upper waterfall.

The Director arrived with full expression which we should try to imitate him.....hehehe
Coming down from where we parked our bicycles.
What a beauty place, it was soul less and ideal for filming.
Moslim testing his photography skill.
Macro filming of a butterfly by enthusiasts.
So were the Director and his crewman.
Thank you to Seang Nee for initiating this deed and surprising us with the plastic garbage bags and gloves. Let's clean the place apart from riding our bicycles. 

Please don't leave such trash the next time you go picnicking.
The only thing we could not do was to bring down the collected rubbish. The authority will be informed for this collection.
We Cycle We Clean & we feel good about it!
The crew had to draw out a special equipment to overcome the loud and continuous sound of water gushing from the upper stream.
The crew found a spot for interview.
Camera ....Action!!!  the lady cyclists talk about their shares of this lovely sport of cycling.
Moslim, the veteran had a good time sharing his experience.
What's up Jason? Is everything ok?
The Director viewing from the small screen.
Bye bye Serendah Waterfall.
A surprise discovery of young puppies on our way to the waterfall and some of us came back to check the puppies after we have completed the waterfall scene.
Kim communicating with one of them.
There were 5 of them all together. They came out to play with us after being fed by their mother.
Our last visit was Serendah Sekeping and I am sure all of them had a good encounter with this beautiful place.
It's meal time we headed to Tomyam Serendah, the business was too good it was packed to the brim. They gave us a separate table in the garden. 
The service was so slow and we were so hungry and wanted to eat badly.....fortunately the Leng Chee Kang came earlier to keep our mouths busy.
Everyone seems busy with their handphones connecting to their own world ... they surely look busy while waiting for the food to come.
It was a wonderful outing and a great experience in a film making especially on a cycling event.
Get Fit Get Focus!
 Happy Malaysia Day!!! 


  1. What a lovely day to spend with ur friends.
    Can I ask u how to reach this waterfall and if it is a good area to cycle, explore around? I am from Singapore so not familiar with this area.

  2. Hi Taiwoon,
    Hehehe I know you are S'pore leh ...Serendah is about a range of 40km away from KL. The route is cyclable. 3 bromptons managed it...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi Taiwoon!

    This is a link of the route we took during one of our ride to the Serendah Waterfalls from Rawang.

    Hope it will be helpful to you.
