Sunday, April 20, 2014

Tour of South Thailand III 2014 - Day 0 Heading to Siam

A day before Day 1, I left my house around 6.15pm I decided to cycle to the train station instead of getting a lift from my wife. Taking an LRT to KL Sentral would be as equally bad during rush hour and on a Friday evening.
After a simple & nice dinner at Soong Kee, I made my way to KL Sentral and was there around 7.40pm. Sam & Michelle were already at McDonald's.
Andrew arrived about the same time and we ready to board a train to Hatyai.
My space for RM54.00 for an upper berth Andrew paid RM60.00 for his' below.
The train "Senandung Langkawi" looks pretty old and it is going to be a 12 hours rocking before we could get into the land of smiles.
Thanks to Sam & Eddie for getting the tickets for us. The berths were all full, it seems everyone on board were heading to Thailand to get wet for Songkran Festival.

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