Thursday, April 24, 2014

Tour of South Thailand III - Day 3 (14/04) Thale Noi to Ranot

Time to bade goodbye to Thale Noi with a good breakfast at the same stall we had a day before. The stall keepers were happy to see us again for their simple food.

The weather was excellent and off we went for the next destination after staying two nights in this quiet town but definitely a place to remember for the lovely experience at the Bird Sanctuary and the Songkran Festival.
A view of my dashboard during this tour.
Here we were about to ascend one of the most expensive road projects in Thailand amounting to 700 million baht for the construction of an elevated highway measuring 17.5 km long.
The scene was gorgeous with the bright sun rising as we rode on it.
A day before we were cruising at the lake and today we were viewing from another perspective.
The boat ride was a memorable one I would love to come back for it again.
Another 16 km we will be at the next destination.
There are many stalls trading dried fresh water fish and I have earlier mentioned this is one of the major sources of income for the locals and you can see them all the way along the road sides.
A stop to see the details of this place with many type of fishes at the drying tables.
Our pedalling continued.....
Buffalo for paddy planting seen on the road.
Slowly but surely we approached a town called Ranot.
Ranot's roundabout 
I was surprised to see bicycle lanes in this town and that shows how serious the Government of Thailand is involving in promoting cycling in this nation.
It stretches from one end of the town to the other
These road reflectives are placed closely on the road to demarcate the lanes. Well done to the Municipality of Ranot.
Hi! Kuala Lumpur when is our turn.
After several enquiries we decided to book this place for the night.
Cafe Amazon has been a regular place to chill and have a nice coffee whenever we see one during our journey. And a place where we could enjoy free wifi.
As for lunch Sam brought us to an interesting river mouth where the eating place is partially on stilts.
While waiting for the food I had a chance to move around to take some nice pictures. The food was delicious.
Pork neck meat was juicy and tender.
Fried squids were succulent and fresh.
Crispy fried fish was awesome specially when eaten with our beers.
Mixed veggie to balance the meal.
And not forgetting the spicy and yummy Tom Yam soup.
We were gamed for a massage and found one parlour in the town but only the lady boss was working and there were 5 of us, so only two lucky cyclists were able to have it. All the masseurs were on leave for their Songkran celebration.
Ranot's Mukata restaurant.
I have been hearing a lot of this place and the food from my fellow tourers and was looking forward testing the food.
A combination of BBQ and steamboat. Eat all you can for a very reasonable price.
We took our time to enjoy the food and the beers as the night closes. Cheers and tomorrow we will be in another place.

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