Saturday, April 26, 2014

Tour of South Thailand III - Day 4 (15/04) Ranot to Sathing Phra (Wind Turbine)

I have never heard of this place before and we are going to stay there for a night so let's check it out at Sathing Phra.
As usual we rolled out early in the morning and the weather was excellent.
Food was easily available and it was delicious.
A simple meal of porridge that was cheap, fast and yummy.
Taking our turns to pick our personal choice of ingredients for the porridge.
Eating at the roadside where our route was, it was so convenient. 
A common scene in the morning where you can see monks moving around and giving blessing to the people.
Visiting a couple of temples along the way.
We gave away some extra food stuff to this old lady we met at this temple.
Another old temple we briefly visited.
Patric was always stopping and buying food at wherever and whenever he could....obviously we have no complaint we get to eat his purchases.
Sweet mango bought & cut by Patric.
Here we were approaching the beach of Sathing Phra.
And we saw this huge wind turbine standing next to the sea side. It is a electric generating turbine as it rotates above we could hear the humming sound. Below is an interesting video I extracted from the net showing the construction of the turbine & a wind disaster at this place itself.

Provincial Electricity Authority of Thailand - Wind powered project for another alternative energy resources without burning any fuel or natural nice indeed.
So much of wind turbine and it's back to food again just right in front of the turbine. I requested this aunty to cook a Kuay Teow Ladna for me.
Kuay Teow Ladna is actually Watan Hor in Kuala Lumpur and it's with a generous amount of ingredients.
We sampled the Ladna under this nice bamboo gazebo on a beautiful beach.
Nothing like a rest on a hammock after a refreshing wonderful life is.
A family run resort called "Sathing Pura" not new but good enough for a night stay. As usual our budget was around 450 baht per chalet which complied in perfectly.
After unloading my stuffs, washed whatever we need to wash and within half an hour we were out looking for lunch.
I like the under developed surroundings no tarmac, relatively clean and the blue sea.
At the main road leading to Songkla we found this place for another good lunch.
Plain rice with braised pork seems to be my regular food in Thailand, I like it in South Thailand it's not that sweet as compared the last time I tried in Bangkok.
Those meats hanging a the show case just could not escape my "Thumjiak-ness" we just had to order it and it was awesome.
This elderly man has been observing us the minute we entered the shop I was wondering what was he thinking about and I am sure he has gone through many interesting episodes in his life. Just couldn't resist myself I approached him for a photo shot together and he happily obliged. Til then my dear elder long live Sir.
Patric trying his hands on Som Tum making as we were scouting around the areas for a place to dine later in the evening ......
Somewhere nearby there is this resort called Ao Thai Resort with a room rate of 1500 baht per night nice and cosy.
Our dinner place on the fourth day. 
The moon was very bright and beautiful that evening.
We had an interesting ride back to the resort in total darkness and on off road.
Good night Sathing Phra tomorrow we will be heading to Songkhla.

1 comment:

  1. This is such an awesome adventure for you guys. I read your posts daily. Wish I could join you.
