Thursday, May 08, 2014

A Survey with DBKL for a Proposed Bicycle Lane

Let me share with you that our dream for a bicycle lane might soon come true. These are members from DBKL & Bicycle Map Project on a survey to make it possible and at the same time promoting a healthy commuting to Kuala Lumpur city center. A proposed route of approximately 5 km was determined and this ride was to show DBKL the viability of this lane.
Prior to this survey on 6 May 2014 there were several meetings held between DBKL and Bicycle Map Project to share and understand the need for a bicycle lane system in the city. 
Briefings were made to outline the nitty gritty of the survey before we jointly roll out on the road.
All of us were ready and eager to start the recce.
From DBKL HQ we went through a nice and shady path next to Agro Bank where we rode until Jalan Tun Sambanthan.
I guess this was the first time the Planning Authority is cycling during their office hours and it looks like everyone of them was enjoying it.
There were several departments from DBKL and I was glad that they were adamant about this project.
One of the senior staff from DBKL seems to like the idea of cycling and told me he is thinking of getting a folding bike after some doses of poison from me.
This path need to be cleaned up and re-do for a conducive cycling lane.
The beauty of this proposed lane is that it is totally separated from the busy traffic, canopied by many huge trees and a river side view. 
Meanwhile this path is been used by some pedestrians from Brickfields to City center sometime cyclists like us use it too.
If this lane gets to be implemented I am sure it will get popular among the cyclists and also DBKL. It will then trigger for more lanes in the city.
One of the few obstacles that needs to be resolved and I reckon it can be easily resolved within the authorities themselves.
There were many stops made to discuss and identify the problem areas.
Just imagine cycling along this lane without any harassment from cars or buses and under a cool shady setting to a shopping mall. How lovely isn't it?
The last segment of the proposal route requires to share lanes with motor cyclists which not an issue at all to do it.
That's the last point of the proposal at Mid Valley Megamall. I just hope that the Authority will take this proposal seriously and make this 5 km lane a reality as soon as possible for all of us. If this short lane can not be implemented  then I just do not see how a more complex bicycle lane project could kick off.  Just do it Mr. Mayor!


  1. A Huge Thank you to ALL who are involved in the K.L. Bicycle Lane Project for your time and effort.When implemented it will benefit generations of cyclists now and in the future.cheers!

  2. This look like an interesting project. Is there a simple map of the route?
