Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Let's Cycle with 8TV Baki Zainal & Rickman

I was excited to see these two young men about to tour Peninsular Malaysia all in the name of promoting going green and healthy living through cycling. A programme by 8TV. These two ambassadors looks so clean cut on the first day of their journey. Will they be a changed men when they return?
I seldom watch TV now that I am aware of this campaign I shall find time to watch it.
A few of our cyclist friends attended the flag off and some even followed them to Sekinchan.
Yin Hon the man in charge of the routes and all the bicycle matters. With him is Yvonne.
The crew members of this programme.
That was it the flag off and they won't be going home for the next 30 days including the crew members.
Ronnie was there too. I had to break off from here and went for a meeting at my office. But 5 hours later I caught up with them at Kuala Selangor.
Yin Hon I am here.....
And the two mighty ladies on their ride to Sekinchan. My salute to Min Chan for being so determined to follow the group she just started riding 3 months ago and she was already for a long haul.
At last I am following them to Sekinchan.
Welcome to Sekinchan.
The welcoming cheers!
I told them I hope see them again at the last stage when they come back to KL.
30 days later..............

Something was cooking.... I was in contact with a crew member and I wanted to stage an ambush to surprise Rickman, Baki & Yin Hon.
Though it was a last minute plan 15 friends came to execute the mission. We gathered at Ampang town and had breakfast before we ascend to Look Out Point for the kill.
So together we went up the hill and making sure we are not late.
The Director has agreed with our plan to execute the ambush. Quietly we were hiding and waiting behind a wall where our victims will be there resting.
We did it!!! It was such a good surprise indeed .
One good picture for us to remember this occasion. Well done fellow cyclists.
It was time to escort the group back to Sri Pentas.
We rode along the entire Jalan Ampang.
A stop at Jalan Putra.
Seksan & Jeff were there to welcome them back.
Some of the items they collected from the tour.
Another pit stop at Grumpy Cyclist cafe.
From TTDI to Bandar Utama and to Sri Pentas.
At last the 31 days journey has ended successfully.
Well done gentlemen we are proud of you!!!
I am taking this opportunity to thank my friends for celebrating my 56th Birthday. Kamsia Kamsia.

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