Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Canada Trip Day 8 - Lake Louise to Calgary

Lake Louise is such a scenic place the weather was lovely, the air was fresh and I was not going to waste time in the hotel room. Let's go wandering in the small settlement of Lake Louise and enjoy the wonderful atmosphere before the coach take us away.
A hostel which is just across where we were staying with Rocky Mountains standing beautifully behind it.
Lake Louise Inn I hope I can come back to stay again and for a longer period as I like it here.
The last stage of the journey was handled by another coach with more passengers on board. The distance from Lake Louise to Calgary is 180km. I am impressed that the coach has a wifi facility on board but unfortunately it was not strong enough most of the time. At last we completed the Western Trail at Calgary for 3 nights 4 days it was an interesting tour and I enjoyed it even though we had too much of lakes, rivers, mountains and glaciers for the last 4 days.
Margaret, a friend of Sook Ying & Jo was waiting for us at Westing Hotel at Downtown Calgary, we took a short walk to her car at her office building and off we went to her house where we will be staying there for the next 8 days.
On our way to Margaret's house we stopped by at T & T Supermarket to buy some foods, this supermarket is big and very much of an Asian market. It makes you feel that you are not in a Western Country.....
We had a dinner arrangement with Margaret's family at Harvest Hills the same place where T & T Supermarket is located. I was excited to know that Margaret has a bicycle that I could use during the stay. Do you know that you have to pay one Loonie (one Canadian Dollar) for pumping air even it's a bicycle.
Having an opportunity to cycle oversea makes one very excited where one can see places in depth and learn its cycling culture. I told them at the house that I will find my way to T-Pot Restaurant and it wasn't difficult.
A typical bicycle & pedestrian lane of Calgary.
A group picture with family of Margaret's at T.Pot Restaurant.
T.Pot is just opposite T & T Supermarkert and I managed to reach there in time for the makan.

The route that I took going to Harvest Hills.
And the route and places I went after the dinner at T.Pot Restaurant. 
Till then watch out for the next posting on Day 9.

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