Friday, July 18, 2014

Canada Trip Day 9 - Let's Go to Crossiron Mills, Calgary

The ladies wanted to shop and wanted to go to a shopping mall. I told them I will see them in the mall as I will be going there with the bicycle. After checking with Margaret the directions I headed first toward Crossiron Mills using non-highway roads. My to and fro ride took me a distance of 31 kilometres generally it's was a monotonous ride unlike back home there are always variation in the scenery .... over here it was almost prairies after prairies ..and no shade at all for a rest.
I did not see any other cyclist on this hot summer road except myself. The yellow patch of field is rapeseed or Canola fields.
After a long straight ride at the junction of Centre Street /Road 566 I was glad to see more than prairie lands there were cows and old horse carriages on a corner plot of land.

And it was back to the same setting of prairies.....
And finally the break came I have reached a gas station (Balzac Store) at a traffic light of Road 566 and 24 Street, the atmosphere of a cowboy stopover was strong and I could smell it.
This cowboy from Malaysia came with an iron horse and do not have a rope to tie it to the orange rail.
Inside the store by the name of Balzac Store.
The sight of the shopping mall was visible while I was crossing the busy road of Street 24.
There you are the big shopping mall, Crossiron Mills located at Crossiron Bolevard and I was on time. In fact, I was early and went to a huge home improvement store called Lowe's for a look see before going over to the next store.
The cowboy shopping mall big and interesting.
While the iron horse was chained outside the mall at a designated area near the entrance door.
The journey back to Panatella was hot and boring but I did it. Cheers!!! What's next......

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