Friday, July 04, 2014

Canadian Trip 2014 - Day 1 A Long Day Up In The Sky

Jo and Sook Ying have been talking about it for the last few years and eventually it came true and I get to follow them how wondeful isn't it hahaha...... The first day was a long and tiring day three and half hours flying from KLIA to Hong Hong with 2 hours transit and eleven and half long hours to Vancouver.
We took Cathay Pacific Airline all the way to Vancouver with a flight fully occupied and it was kind of too many passengers at one time where stretching of limbs was at a minimum. The only comfort we had were the drinks, food and movies besides sleeping.....
Finally the long and stressful hours were over we reached Vancouver at last.  Let's not think of the going home journey now but think of what we are going to enjoy in Canada. My first impression of Canada was the mixed ethnics in uniforms and I felt at home seeing many oriental faces...what a mixed ethnicity.
After clearing the Immigration line without any difficulty we walked across the road to catch a sky train to check in our hotel. The ticket was $2.70 from Airport Station to Waterfront Station.
After 10 minutes dragging of our luggage on the road we found Coast Coal Habour Hotel and will be in the hospitality of the hotel for the next 4 nights.

Without wasting any time the 2 ladies went out to visit Chinatown while I went searching for a bicycle and got one from a bike renting shop. Vancouver I will be terrorising you for the next few days. The traffic system is different from Malaysia everything is just the opposite but I will try to get used to it and many times I did it wrong hehehe.
We did not realise it was Canada Day on our first day here at the beginning, the Canadians are really patriotic about their national day they really come out in big number to celebrate. I overheard 3 elderly men proudly greeting to one another "HaPpY Canada Day" even it was on the following day. Malaysia I think we do better by emulating this country.
I was informed that 10.30pm there will be a firework display at the Habour area and so I went to have a look with the bicycle. Just before 10.30 the crowd was getting intense and continuously flowing in to watch the fireworks.
HaPpY Canada Day!!!

1 comment:

  1. STL...
    Its wonderful to read ur paragraphs, pls continue...
    Im looking forward to visit Canada too..after retired.
    have a nice day.
