Sunday, July 06, 2014

Canadian Trip 2014 Day 2 Vancouver's Longest Bicycle Lane

A day after Canada Day I woke very early in the morning and was very eager to start riding in Vancouver. As for bicycle I have rented a Giant for the next 3 days and this white horse will be my partner in crime for an exploration.
Coast Coal Habour Hotel is located near the habour and there is a bicycle lane by the sea side for over twenty kilometres long. My plan is to complete this dedicated lane and take a different route back to the hotel.
The lower lane is for jogging and the upper lane for cycling, this is near the Coal Habour.
Brocton Point Light House of over a century old at a tip of Stanley Park.
Stanley Park with a size of 1,001 acres surrounded by water of the Pacific Ocean, the bicycle lane is built along the sea sides with amazing scenery.
Lions Gate Bridge that leads to North and West of Vancouver on the right. I want to cycle up there maybe tomorrow.
A narrow and unique bend.
Mimicking the Giant Laughing Statues at Morton Park right next to English Bay.
Granville Street Bridge to the Granville Island.
Boats and yachts seen almost everywhere at the waterfront.
The seawall at English Bay and Granville Bridge.
The big silver ball is the Science World British Columbia.
The fun of seeing, loitering and digging interesting places as I ride on.....
Vancouver Maritime Museum is also found at the west side of False Creek at the water front with a yellow white cute submarine at the outside the building.
Beyond the end of the cycling lane and at the vicinity of University of British Columbia I could see several museums such as UBC Museum of Anthropology and UBC Botanical Garden.
I did not expect it to be so strenuous with long climb and suddenly I felt not comfortable without bicycle lane.
After pushing myself up the gradient I decided to stop at a modern village for a good rest and refuel.
My lunch for $6.80 a takeaway mixed rice which charges by the weight. Sweet and sour pork, Thai curry chicken and mixed veggie. Not too bad for a "Chop Fun".
Chinatown Vancouver is the largest in Canada but I was not impressed with it. I see it as a place for the homeless and I don't feel safe with these vagants hanging around the area..
The transformation of Chinatown.
Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Garden 中山公园 the first Chinese garden built outside China with bridges signifying the understanding between Chinese and Western culture while promoting the culture of Chinese to the world.
The time was exactly 2 o'clock a group of tourists were gathering around this steam clock. I could hear the sound of the hour with steam coming out of the vent. Lucky me, I would have just missed this classic clock if not the prefect timing.
An interesting sculpture at Canada Place where I finally completed the balance of the bicycle lane at the sea side.
The three of us decided to have pizza and beer for dinner and I shared my adventure of the day with the two ladies. The food was good so was the beer.
Good night Vancouver it was another awesome ride. Thank you!!!
A total distance of 52 km was achieved. I simply like it.

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