Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Canadian Trip Day 10 - What's Calgary Stampede

First and foremost you have to look like cowboy and cowgirl as close as possible ... yeehaaaa!!!
Margaret brought to Chinatown for Dim Sum at Silver Dragon Restaurant.
The Dim Sum was good and delicious, I like most of the dishes....yeehaaa!!!
Everything downtown is about Stampede....the decors at the office blocks, shopping malls, parks and almost all the surroundings in Calgary.
We parked the car at Margaret's work place and took a train to Erlton Stampede station where the stampede site is situated next to it.
At the entrance of Erlton.
Indian Village was the first place we visited, I always like seeing Red Indians in cowboy movies and now I have a chance to see their real stuffs.
The inside of a Red Indian home.
Cowboy hats are everywhere for you to grab...
It's party time with lots of food stall, drinks, concerts, exhibition and shows and we were gonna spend the whole day here....yeeehaaaa.
Lovely cheesy chips to start with ... it was eat and eat time ....

Barbecue is a must besides the pancakes.
It's a 10 days event with million of people visiting the place every year. So Calgary Stampede 2014 I was there .... Yeeeehaaaa!!!
The site got crowded towards the evenings especially after the working hours, they simply love this party.
I was surprised  to see a Chinese lion dance in a cowboy festival.
Military exhibits were there too.
A lively show by the Calgary Stampede Showband, it was so entertaining and members of the band were such fun people. I really like their performance.

Horses for sale in a kind of auction proceeding.
Viewing from our seats.
The National anthem to start with the event.
The all time popular Chuckwagon race is held in Calgary Stampede every year and the prize money is in terms of million of dollars.
After all the excitement of the Chuckwagon races as the sky started to get dark then it was showtime time.
The grand finale was the fireworks and that ended the evening of a wonderful time and experience of what actually a Stampede celebration is all about.
That's all folks and the millions that came for Calgary Stampede 2014 for the 10 days.
Good night we were back to the city centre for the car. Most probably we might go for an experience of a free stampede breakfast. Thanks again to Margaret for taking us through this wonderful festival.

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