Monday, July 28, 2014

Canadian Trip Day 14 - Let's Go to Nose Hill Park

My plan for the day and this was my last cycling activity in Calgary. Nose Hill Park here I come.
The ride was to use as much cycling paths as possible and these are mostly found within the roads of residential areas.
The cycle paths are definitely longer comparing to the vehicular roads and zip zapping through residential communities. I was lost several times locating for the right connecting paths. Certain stretches of the paths are of severe gradients and can be tough for some cyclists.
I stopped at a petrol station for a quick bite and drink after a mind boggling morning ride. But thankfully I was already half way to Nose Hill Park.
Tim Hortons is Canada and Canada is Tim Hortons that is how popular Tim Hortons the beginning it did not ring my bell at all what is Tim Hortons but after staying for a few days in Canada I realised that Tim Hortons is bigger than McDonalds and Starbucks. Tim Hortons is also found in Petrol stations. By the way Tim Hortons was a Canadian hockey player and the chain was formed in 1964. Tim Hortons died in 1974 in a car accident.
I was attracted by this nicely carved timber fencing of a residential development along one of the cycling paths at Shaganappi area.
This is the largest municipal park in Canada and North America. It is a natural environment park and a great retreat for city folks with an area of 1,129 hectares. There are numerous hiking and cycling trails in the park.
Basically it is a grassland with small groups of trees or rather it is insignificant as far as trees are concerned, coming from a person from a tropical country.
A popular haven for dog owners to hang out.
Truly a quiet and serene place away from the bustling city.
Nose Hill Park is home to some wildlife animals.
Jogging freely on the park on a summer morning is a commom sight and it is vast and interesting.
My share of a visit to  Nose Hill Park and why the name Nose Hill, it was many moons ago the people said that the shape of the hill resembles the nose of their Chief.
Gene and his dog named Roy. A popular partnership seems in the earlier years at this vicinity.
The couple were well known ranchers working very hard ranching this area. The existing development at northern outskirt of Calgary were the livelihood of Hanson and they shall be remembered. The development is continuing spreading northwards and in no time it will reach Road 566.
After a tiring adventure seeking ways to Nose Hill Park I was hungry as I was about to complete the mission. I decided to pull over to Cedars Deli at Panorama Hills for a Mediterranean sandwich. It was a healthy and awesome lunch.

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