Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Canadian Trip Day 15 - Goodbye Calgary & Our Last Destination Toronto

Margaret gave us a special treat at a Brazilian Fire Grill outlet called Bolero at Macleod Trail South of Calgary. It was a buffet eat all you can meal and if you love meat this is the place. The BBQ meats were awesome just too bad I could not consume too much. Thanks to Margaret for such a great meal and for being a great host I simply enjoyed the stay.
Also thanks to Margaret's mum for all the home cooked foods she had prepared for us. Nothing like eating at home especially in a foreign country where Asian food is quite difficult to find.
Bye bye Calgary I hope to visit this place again.
Toronto was our last destination and has a time different of two hours from Calgary.
A friend originally from Kulim, Tamijuddin picked us up at the airport and went straight to his house at Brampton. Lunch was already waiting for us. Nothing like a home cooked food prepared by his wife and the Nasi Beriyani was simply awesome.
So this is the neighbourhood of Mount Pleasant, Brampton a relatively new and well planned community and it will be our base for the next couple of days.
Cheltenham Badlands, Caledon and locted exactly at GPS : 43.774069, -79.944778 at the roadside of Olde Baseline Road.
The Red Clay Hills has to be carefully taken care as it is a fragile formation and restriction access is ought to be carried out. 
Just imagine it used to be a river bed once upon a time, it used to be occupied by a large river and it got dry up over the thousands of years and now it is a red clay hills.
We were excited to see a wheat field and we insisted we to stop to have a closer feel and we did.
Me and an old school mate from Sultan Badlishah School, Kulim.
Terra Cotta Conservation Area is one of the most environmentally-significant areas in the Credit River Valley. The area comprises 504 acres of valleys, cliffs and bedrock plains mixed with diverse forests, wetlands and streams. This landscape provides a varied hiking experience with over 12km of trails.
We visited an apple farm as we were driving back to Brampton.
Actually the farm was already closed but our brother Tami managed to sweet talk the owner for us to have  a brief visit. Well done bro!
Our last stop for the evening was at Shalimar's home for a tea.

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