The most talk of dish in this restaurant is one of the desserts which is the Yam coated with Caramel. An unique way of presenting the dish by dipping into cold water to harden the caramel coating.
"Orr Nee" another yam dessert popular among the Teochews.
Fried rice with yam, mushroom and chinese sausage, quite like it.
Stir fried tapioca leaves.
3 cup chicken served in claypot.
Fried Butter Eel - Unagi desu.
Braised duck - would be better if not salty.
This beef dish is nice and tasty.
Sweet and sour pork a must for Zuyi, if not he will spoil the lunch.
Taiwan Muar Chee?? exactly like Penang Muar Chee lah...
Other dessert of puddings.
Overall comment okay okay lah...