This must be Teow Choon (TC) send off to England for his further study. With him were (from left) Keng Guan, happy happy, Jeff, TC, Nicholas Ng Heng Pang & Teow Oei (TC's brother). TC then came back to Malaysia with sufficient papers and sucessfully climbed up the corporate ladder, to as high as being MD in Yeo Hup Seng Group.

Cheong has been away for a long time, guess he is still residing in Perth. The last time I saw him was during his father's furneral many years back.
At the balcony of the house and it happened to be our favourite spot in this house. Good view of the neighbourhood, stored with empty mini Guiness Stout bottles (from SRM survey syndicate) and other junks. We used to throw parties, conduct educational movie using traditional film reel & projector with nominal entrance fee. We also once used it to conduct some kind of "toyol" ritual by a Malaccan Baba. There were also students visiting the house for hair cuts at very reasonable charges and this reluctant barber will only entertain selected few for the cut, very lan si one.

The three
musketeers occupying the masterbed room of the house, the bed we were sitting belongs to Jeff, Pang was using the lower decker and myself using the upper deck. Sorry Pang, can see only half of your mage here, happen be the first shot of this negative where part of it was already exposed.

Another send off, this time was for Cheong, he was going to Europe to study Hotel and Catering Management course. Thereafter, I remember he spent a few more years working with super Ocean liner - Queen Elizabeth.

Pang handling a piece of party pack, I can not remember what party it was but definitely in the House of Lorong Mata Air 3.
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